Salt lake city barber company
WHy a company? - a Salt Lake City Barber Company of men?
Why am I writing about Salt Lake City Barber company? Well, if you go to google and use the tools that google provides in order to figure out what people are searching for in Salt Lake City; one of the top things you will find for Barbers in Salt Lake City is:
Salt Lake City Barber Company
This isn’t a coincidence. Companies are, well, corporate and filled with Men. Barbers have traditionally been MEN as a matter of fact when I tell people that I am a Barber I often see a look of incredulity in their eyes. Now before you write me off as a man hater, let me tell you it’s quite the opposite. I love MEN, I want them to be powerful, confident, and truly themselves which includes a the full spectrum of the masculine human experience, I love and respect male barbers and think some of them are quite good, but being a Barber is not a purely masculine profession, and I think many man given the option may prefer a female Barber.
A father and son have a car accident and are both badly hurt. They are both taken to separate hospitals. When the boy is taken in for an operation, the surgeon (doctor) says 'I can not do the surgery because this is my son'. How is this possible?
English Riddle
a Company of barber's in Salt lake city
Another way to think of a company is a group of people, and being a part of a company of Barbers isn’t a bad thing. It actually has historical roots! In 1540 The Fellowship of Surgeons merged with the Barbers’ Company and formed the Company of Barbers and Surgeons! The Act specified that no surgeon could cut hair or shave another and that no barber could practice surgery; the only common activity was to be the extraction of teeth. The barber pole, featuring red and white spiraling stripes, indicated the two crafts (surgery in red and barbering in white). Barbers received higher pay than surgeons until surgeons were entered into British warships during naval wars. I have to say, I would enjoy higher pay than a surgeon 🙂 I mean, I make people have quality lives, and they just let them have lives 🙂

Barbers received higher pay than surgeons until surgeons were entered into British warships during naval wars.Â
English History
Why you need a barber
- Negroni
- Manhattan
- Old Fashioned
Also our services, Personal consultation, tailored cut, ears nose and eyebrows trimmed, energizing shampoo, steamed towel, blow dry, warm shaving cream neck shave, splash of aftershave and finishing touch with styling and a quick but relaxing shoulder massage e.g. the full barber experience not just a haircut! In other ways we are on the cutting edge e.g.
- All Female Barbers
- State of the art scheduling system
- Digital payments
- Bluetooth music
- Razor Sharp Social Media